The Tartan Army: Alles rund um die Nationalmannschaft

Nov 21, 2007 - 9:26 AM hours
Five considered for Scotland job

Five candidates are vying to become the new Scotland manager, the Scottish Football Association has revealed.
SFA chief executive Gordon Smith told BBC Scotland: "We have narrowed the shortlist down to five candidates in order to move the process forward."

BBC Scotland understands Tommy Burns, Mark McGhee, Graeme Souness, George Burley and Billy Davies are on the SFA's shortlist.

Alex McLeish quit Scotland in November to become Birmingham City manager.

McLeish, 48, narrowly missed out on securing qualification for the Euro 2008 finals.

Motherwell manager McGhee, 50, said he would only consider the Scotland job with the blessing of his Fir Park employers.

Speaking on Friday, he said: "I could only do the Scotland job with the absolute consensus of everybody here.

"I won't be walking out in any way that leaves any resentment. It has reached the stage where it (the speculation) is driving me mental."

Southampton boss George Burley has indicated he would be interested in the job.

Speaking in December, he said: "About 500 people have been linked with the job. If you have a Scottish accent, you've got a chance.

"But any opportunity to manage the national team is something I'd be interested in."

Celtic coach Burns, 51, looked to be favourite for the role in January last year when Walter Smith resigned as Scotland boss to return to Rangers.

He had been on the Scotland staff under both Smith and Berti Vogts, and was keen to take the top job, but withdrew from the race when the SFA made no contact with him.


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VfL Bochum 1848
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Davies out of race for Scots job

Billy Davies has withdrawn his interest in the Scotland manager's job, but BBC Sport understands he was never on the shortlist for the job.

And a Scottish FA spokesman said it was "disappointed" with comments made by the former Derby County manager.

Davies was quoted as saying that his agent had been approached by the SFA.

"We were informed they wanted to get me involved in the process. We told them we would not be taking things any further," he told the Daily Express.

"My representative got a call from the SFA to say I was on the shortlist and then he took another call to say they wanted to speak to me about the job."

The former Preston and Motherwell manager, who was recently sacked by Derby, had previously expressed an interest in the job.

But the men the SFA wants to interview are Celtic coach Tommy Burns, Motherwell manager Mark McGhee, Southampton boss George Burley and former Rangers, Liverpool and Newcastle manager Graeme Souness.

The SFA has asked Celtic, Motherwell and Southampton for permission to speak to their employees.

BBC Sport understands that Celtic are happy for Burns to be interviewed, while the SFA does not evisage any problems with the other two clubs.

Southampton have yet to respond officially to the request to speak to their manager, while Motherwell manager McGhee was believed to be speaking to his club on Tuesday.

The 50-year-old McGhee became a strong candidate after leading his side to a top-six position in his short spell with the club.

He also emerged with his reputation enhanced for his handling of team affairs after the recent death of club captain Phil O'Donnell.

But the former Wolves, Reading and Brighton boss has insisted he would only leave Motherwell with the "absolute consensus" of everyone at the club.

Burley, the only one of the four not to have led the bookmakers' odds at some point, indicated in December that he would be interested in the job.

Burns had looked to be favourite for the role in January last year, when Walter Smith resigned as Scotland boss to return to Rangers.

He had been on the Scotland staff under both Smith and Berti Vogts, and was keen to take the top job, but withdrew from the race when the SFA made no contact with him.

Former Rangers, Liverpool, Blackburn and Newcastle manager Souness is known to be keen on talking to the SFA and is presently unemployed.

McLeish quit Scotland in November to become Birmingham City manager.

The 48-year-old narrowly missed out on securing qualification for the Euro 2008 finals for his side.

Scotland's first opponents under a new manager are set to be revealed in the next 24 hours, with the SFA close to announcing the opposition for a friendly on 26 March.

However, it will not be Argentina or Nigeria - and unlikely to be Poland - as had been touted in some reports.

The SFA hopes that the new manager will be in place at a training camp in the first week of February.
Story from BBC SPORT:

Published: 2008/01/15 14:37:58 GMT


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Für Nadine...

»Wenn wir bei Nacht den Himmel anschauen, ist es uns, als lachten alle Sterne, weil du auf einem von ihnen wohnst, weil du auf einem von ihnen lachst.
Wir allein werden Sterne haben, die lachen können!«
Scotland set for Croatia friendly

Scotland will face Croatia in a friendly at Hampden Park on 26 March, the Scottish FA has confirmed.
It is expected to be the new Scotland manager's first game in charge, with the SFA aiming to appoint Alex McLeish's successor by next month.

Slaven Bilic's side will use the game as part of their build-up to the Euro 2008 finals.

SFA chief executive Gordon Smith said: "Playing against better teams shows us the standard we have to reach."

Scotland have played Croatia twice before - drawing both games during the 2002 World Cup qualifying campaign.

Croatia are ranked 10th in the world rankings and ended England's hopes of progressing to the Euro 2008 finals with a 3-2 victory at Wembley.

Smith said Croatia have an exciting squad and play a great brand of football.

"If we want to keep on improving then these are exactly the types of teams we should be playing," he added.

"Our football is on the up and we are only a few places below Croatia in the rankings.

"We have a great squad of players who are improving all the time and we will soon have a new manager in place who we all hope will lead us to the World Cup and beyond."

Smith said the Scots were keen to emulate Croatia by regularly qualifying for the finals of major tournaments.

"This will be the new manager's first game in charge," he added.

"I know that our supporters will turn out in big numbers to support him and the team as we enter a bright new era for Scottish football."

Graeme Souness, Tommy Burns, Mark McGhee and George Burley are in the running to become the new Scotland manager.

Billy Davies was on an original five-man list of targets but he has since ruled himself out.


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VfL Bochum 1848
60 - WSV - Ards - FCS - Wacker
Burley to be offered Scotland job

Southampton's George Burley will be offered the Scotland manager's job on Wednesday, BBC Sport understands.
A Scottish Football Association spokesman would only confirm that its interview panel had decided on a preferred candidate.

And its board will be asked to ratify the decision on Wednesday.

The 51-year-old Burley became the odds-on favourite with bookmakers on Tuesday as news began to emerge that he was the preferred candidate.

Yet Burley had long been considered the outsider of the four men on the SFA's shortlist, which included Tommy Burns, Mark McGhee and Graeme Souness.

"There were a number of people at the SFA who thought he could do the job, even though he was seen as an outsider," said the BBC's Scotland reporter Andy Gilles.

Burley was interviewed last week, along with former Liverpool and Rangers manager Souness and Motherwell boss McGhee, after Southampton reluctantly agreed to the SFA's request to speak to their manager.

It had looked like Burns had ruled himself out after he indicated his reluctance to be interviewed for the post, but it was believed that he had sufficient contact to be still in the frame.

McGhee admitted he was surprised to hear about Burley's likely appointment through the media, but said he was not overly disappointed with the result.

"I would have liked to have heard from the SFA," he told BBC Scotland ahead of Motherwell's SPL match against Hearts on Wednesday night.

"But I'm not too upset, I will not be losing any sleep over it."

1956: Burley born in Cumnock, Ayrshire
1973: Makes debut for Ipswich Town
1979: Wins first of 11 Scotland caps
1991: Becomes player/manager at Ayr Utd
1994: Becomes manager at Ipswich, winning promotion to Premiership
2001: Leads Ipswich into Uefa Cup
2005:Appointed manager of Hearts by new owner Vladimir Romanov, Burley left after four months
2005: Takes over at Southampton

Former Scotland international Pat Nevin is confident Burley's appointment is a step forward for Scottish football.

"Everyone in England knows what he has done - he has done a great job everywhere he has been," he told BBC Radio 5 Live.

"He is the only man who has recently come close to breaking the Old Firm stronghold with Hearts.

"If he had been given more time he would have taken Celtic and Rangers to the wire."

Meanwhile, Burley took his side's training as normal on Tuesday.

And the English Championship club maintained that they have heard nothing to suggest their manager is on his way north of the border.

Saints acting chief executive Lee Hoos said: "We have had no contact from the SFA."

Burley has remained guarded about his intentions, stressing he is happy in his role on the south coast.

"It is a great honour that Scotland asked to speak to me," he said after Saturday's 1-1 draw with Plymouth.

"There is a lot to consider. I am very happy at Southampton.

"But if your country asks to speak to you then it is only right to do so."

Saints are struggling to mount a promotion push for the third straight year, while the club still lack the investment required to make a mark on the transfer market.

The former Ipswich, Derby and Hearts manager has been forced to sell stars such as Theo Walcott, Gareth Bale, Kenwyne Jones and Chris Baird since he took over from Harry Redknapp in December 2005.

And it appears he has found the pull of the Scotland job too strong to turn down.

SFA president George Peat has confirmed a meeting will be held on Tuesday to discuss the candidates.

The new manager's first game will be the 26 March friendly against Croatia at Hampden Park.


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VfL Bochum 1848
60 - WSV - Ards - FCS - Wacker
So, hier mal die letzten Beiträge aus dem alten Nationalmannschafts-Thread:

Alles rund um die Nationalmannschaft | #422 23.01.2008 - 18:23
Beiträge: 2189

Burley wird neuer Nationaltrainer Schottlands

Glasgow (dpa) - George Burley wird neuer Nationaltrainer von Schottland. Der 51-Jährige tritt die Nachfolge von Alex McLeish an.

Leish ist nach der verpassten Qualifikation für die Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Österreich und der Schweiz (7. bis 29. Juni) zurückgetreten und zum englischen Erstligisten Birmingham City gewechselt. Ein Sprecher des Schottischen Fußball-Verbandes (SFA) bestätigte die Verpflichtung von Burley. Allerdings seien noch letzte Details zu klären. Burley war zuletzt beim englischen Zweitligisten FC Southampton tätig.


| Alles rund um die Nationalmannschaft | #423 24.01.2008 - 21:51
Beiträge: 2081

Das fängt ja gut an.....

Schon Theater bei der ersten Pressekonferenz.....

SFA defend Burley decision

The Scottish Football Association have defended their selection process after appointing George Burley as manager.

The former Southampton boss, who has signed a four-and-a-half-year deal, was presented to the media at Hampden Park on Thursday afternoon.

Burley was the unanimous choice of the SFA's four-man selection panel, with Mark McGhee, Graeme Souness and Tommy Burns the other candidates.

The press conference to unveil Burley at times became fractious and heated with SFA president George Peat and chief executive Gordon Smith less than impressed with some members of the assembled media.

Peat began the afternoon by setting the record straight over what had actually happened during the recruitment process.


He told Sky Sports News: "The board has been criticised in some quarters over the method of recruitment, but I would just like to point out that the same process was used in the appointment of Walter Smith and Alex McLeish.

"Some reporters had said that of our preferred candidates, several had withdrawn. I would like to point out that nobody withdrew.

"I would also emphasise that the decision of the selection committee was unanimous."

Then, midway through the press conference, Smith cut across the reporters' questions to make the following point.

He said: "It's interesting there are so many questions here for George and you're all here taking the answers.

"It's been astonishing over the last few days where people have been saying 'what's the point of interviewing people for a manager's job?'

"You're all asking questions now. Don't you think it was appropriate that when we were interviewing people we asked questions in terms of what George was going to do, and how the guys were going to take the job forward?

"One or two people in the press have been making astonishing claims that there's no point in asking anybody questions. Has anyone got anything to say on that?"


Later, with Burley shifting nervously in his seat and appearing slightly uncomfortable with the events unfolding around him, Smith and Peat again became embroiled with the press over their selection process.

With Smith defending the sequence of events which saw Burley's appointment officially confirmed on Thursday lunchtime, even though it was common knowledge prior to that, one journalist suggested that the focus of the day had slipped.

Smith responded: "What's becoming a laughing stock? I'm answering the question."

And Peat added: "Who created the farce? Do you think we created the farce?

"We didn't create the rumours, we adopted the same process as we've always done. It was the press who were creating all the stories. We didn't create the stories.",19528,12010_3075743,00.html

| Alles rund um die Nationalmannschaft | #424 24.01.2008 - 21:54
Beiträge: 2081

Burley´s Sicht der Dinge:

Burley - My Scotland shock

George Burley has admitted his surprise at being appointed as the new manager of Scotland.

Burley has signed a four-and-a-half-year deal with the Scottish Football Association after a compensation package was agreed with Southampton.

The experienced manager emerged as the leading contender from a four-man shortlist which also included Mark McGhee, Graeme Souness and Tommy Burns.

And the former Ipswich and Hearts boss admitted that he was shocked to emerge from what he felt was an extremely strong pool of candidates.


Speaking at a Hampden Park press conference televised by Sky Sports News, Burley said: "It's a great honour, it's something you want to do, given the opportunity. I never thought that it would ever happen.

"When Scotland showed interest, there were so many excellent candidates with huge experience.

"To be asked to be manager of my country is a great honour, and something I'm really looking forward to.

"I think at this stage of my career after being a manager for almost 16 years now, I feel I'm ready for it. I'm very pleased the SFA have showed faith and belief in giving me the job.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I was surprised to get the job. But maybe they've (the SFA) seen something that will help Scotland.

"I feel it's the right time for me and hopefully I can be a successful Scottish manager."


And Burley has set his sights on qualifying for the 2010 World Cup, which he admits would be his 'dream'.

He added: "As a Scotsman you've got a vision to do well for your country.

"I feel taking this job gives me the opportunity to try and do something, to try and get to a World Cup finals, and as a manager you couldn't ask for any more than that.

"There are tingles going through me with excitement thinking about it.

"Now the dream is to qualify for the World Cup. We've got a get-together in a couple of weeks and the question is can we do it for the nation?

"It's not going to be easy, but there's that belief now. I'm certainly up for the challenge.

"Hopefully, in the next couple of years there can be success by getting to the World Cup. I'm saying to everyone, let's go for it, let's give it our best shot.",19528,12010_3075611,00.html

| Alles rund um die Nationalmannschaft | #425 25.01.2008 - 09:33
Beiträge: 2081

Die Kollegen äußern sich positiv:

Managers hail Burley appointment

George Burley's appointment as the new Scotland manager has been welcomed by a number of SPL club managers.
"George is a good appointment. He's a manager with experience in England and Scotland - which is a big advantage," said Kilmarnock boss Jim Jefferies.

Aberdeen boss Jimmy Calderwood added: "He's a quiet person, but very studious about the game."

Hibs manager Mixu Paatelainen said: "He's been in the Premiership and took Ipswich to Europe, which is great."

Southampton chief scout John Gorman has tipped Burley to be a success in his new role.

Burley, who was named as Alex McLeish's successor on Thursday, leaves after just over two years as Southampton boss with Saints 13th in the Championship.

"He's very passionate about Scotland and it's an unbelievable opportunity," Gorman told BBC Radio 5 Live.

"He has such a good name up there and the kind of football and quality of football he plays is clear to see."

Burley, who previously managed Ipswich, Derby and Hearts, was on a four-man shortlist that also included Mark McGhee, Graeme Souness and Tommy Burns.

St Mirren manager Gus MacPherson said Burley was the dark horse for the post, adding that his managerial record was "exceptional".

"With the group of players he's got to work with and from speaking to people, his management style should really suit the players," said MacPherson.

"It's an exciting time and we've all got to support him."

Former Scotland manager Craig Brown also supports Burley's appointment and told BBC Radio 5 Live: "His track record is very sound, but what is particularly good about George is his man-management. He always gets the best out of players."

Ipswich chairman David Sheepshanks, who saw Burley enjoy success at Portman Road from 1994 until 2002, said he was a fiercely patriotic man.

"He has many skills to bring to the job," Sheepshanks added.

"He has worked at the top level in England and Scotland, has a good knowledge of European football and has been a club boss for many years.

"Everyone at Ipswich wishes him well."

McGhee, many people's favourite to land the job, admitted it was a blow to miss out.

I think he will be a terrific Scotland manager and I will do all I can to help him

McGhee on Burley

"It's a huge disappointment because I felt I was very close," said the Motherwell boss, who was told that Burley would beat him to the job by the media.

"At times, I was given the impression I was very, very close."

Speaking to BBC Radio Scotland on Tuesday, he added: "All I can say is congratulations to George.

"I think he will be a terrific Scotland manager and I will do all I can to help him.

"I remain very proud to have been considered and if George does not win the World Cup then it opens it up for me to be the one who does."


| Alles rund um die Nationalmannschaft | #426 29.01.2008 - 21:51
Beiträge: 2081

Butcher agrees to Scotland offer

Butcher will join the Scotland set-up - Pressley may follow
Former England captain Terry Butcher has agreed to become part of Scotland manager George Burley's coaching staff.
Butcher, 49, is finalising the details of his contract to assist Burley, and will join up with the squad for their gathering in February.

The 77-times capped Butcher held talks on Monday with the new Scotland boss with whom he played with at Ipswich.

Celtic defender Steven Pressley is also considering an offer from Burley to join the backroom line-up.

Burley told BBC Sport earlier that he was keen to link up with Butcher and Pressley as he prepares for the World Cup qualifying campaign.

And his former Tractor Boys team-mate is interested in joining the new regime.

"I played at Ipswich in the same side as George and have kept in touch with him and it is great for him to ask me about the post with Scotland," he added.

"It is a part-time role which would enable me to do other stuff as well.

"I have done everything in my career but this would be new and different, being involved on the coaching side at international level."

Burley succeeded Alex McLeish as national coach last week and a squad get-together has been arranged for early February before a friendly with Croatia in March.

Butcher parted company with League Two side Brentford in December after a short stint with Australian side Sydney FC.

But he knows the Scottish game well from his time as Motherwell manager and captain of Rangers.


| Alles rund um die Nationalmannschaft | #427 30.01.2008 - 10:34
Beiträge: 2081

Burley announces first Scotland squad

GEORGE BURLEY has sprung few surprises in naming his first Scotland squad for a get-together next month.
Rangers' 37-year-old defender David Weir is included in the squad - which features no new caps - in a strong sign that Burley intends to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor Alex McLeish.
The squad was announced today as the SFA confirmed former Rangers and England captain Terry Butcher has agreed in principle to join the new Scotland coach's backroom staff.
Steven Pressley is yet to agree a deal, but is expected to follow suit.
The full squqd for the training gathering, which takes place at Loch Lomond from February 3-5, is:

Alexander (Ipswich)
Gordon (Sunderland)
McGregor (Rangers)
Marshall (Norwich)

Alexander (Burnley)
Anderson (Sunderland)
Caldwell (Celtic)
Dailly (West Ham)
Hutton (Rangers)
McManus (Celtic)
Murty (Reading)
Naysmith (Sheffield United)
Weir (Rangers)

Brown (Celtic)
Ferguson (Rangers)
Fletcher (Manchester United)
Hartley (Celtic)
McCulloch (Rangers)
Pearson (Derby)
Robson (Dundee United)
Teale (Derby)

Beattie (West Brom)
Boyd (Rangers)
McFadden (Birmingham)
Maloney (Aston Villa)
Miller (Derby)
O'Connor (Birmingham)

The full article contains 181 words and appears in Edinburgh Evening News newspaper.Last Updated: 29 January 2008 6:17 PM

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Für Nadine...

»Wenn wir bei Nacht den Himmel anschauen, ist es uns, als lachten alle Sterne, weil du auf einem von ihnen wohnst, weil du auf einem von ihnen lachst.
Wir allein werden Sterne haben, die lachen können!«
Jaja, die Engländer...... :rolleyes

Butcher reveals press booing

Terry Butcher revealed he was booed by the English media after he made the decision to become Scotland boss George Burley's assistant.

Butcher won 77 caps for England and captained the country to the semi-finals of the 1990 World Cup and his appointment has raised eyebrows.

And Butcher has revealed that sections of the English media were far from impressed by his decision.

“It's been a whirlwind,” he said. “I've been quite gobsmacked by the whole thing, even the media attention.

"It has been great - if a bit different. It was difficult going into the Arsenal press conference the other night and being booed by the English press men.

"That was quite a new experience - I never had that before.

"They've slaughtered me in the past but I've never actually been booed by them."

Butcher is aware he is likely to come under scrutiny and admits he agonised over taking the role.

He said: "I did have some qualms about taking the job on.

"I had to speak to a lot of people and at certain times I thought, 'I don't think this is going to work' but then the more I spoke to people about it both north and south of the border the more they convinced me.

"I spoke to George who is strong as both a manager and a character as well. I've spoken to a lot of people including ex-team mates and they are very pleased.

"My major worry was for George - not so much myself. I've had criticism and booing in my career and I'm not bothered about that but I didn't want to do anything which would hurt or jeopardise George.

"But he's very positive and has good thoughts for the national team."

Butcher had a hugely successful spell with Rangers and he considers Scotland his home.

He said: "It's like coming home. It's been my home for 17 out of 22 years.

"My son Edward almost played for Scotland at rugby and he has a Scottish accent.

"My other son is called Alistair Ian after Ally McCoist and Ian Durrant and is at Dundee University studying art. He loves it up here. He considers himself Scottish.

"Whenever I've come up I've had a terrific welcome from everybody.

"Even though it's been a bit gloomy and wet and raining and snowy it's still lovely to come back because I know where everything is.

"I'm not being patronising - that's just the way it is. Scotland has been very good for me and my family for a long, long while."

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VfL Bochum 1848
60 - WSV - Ards - FCS - Wacker
Burley, Butcher und jetzt Pressley, da bildet sich ja ein beachtliches Kompetenzteam. Hoffentlich kann es auch die zuletzt so erfolgreiche Arbeit fortsetzen, bzw. sogar noch verbessern. :cool

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Für Nadine...

»Wenn wir bei Nacht den Himmel anschauen, ist es uns, als lachten alle Sterne, weil du auf einem von ihnen wohnst, weil du auf einem von ihnen lachst.
Wir allein werden Sterne haben, die lachen können!«
Die Nationalspieler Anderson (Sunderland) und Teale (Derby) können sich derzeit bei ihren Clubs nicht durchsetzen und werden bis Saisonende an Zweitligist Plymouth ausgeliehen:

Argyle sign Scotland pair on loan

Plymouth Argyle have added to their growing Scottish contingent at Home Park after completing the signings of two Premier League players in one day.
Experienced Sunderland defender Russell Anderson and Derby County winger Gary Teale, both 29, have arrived on loan until the end of the season.

They are current internationals, both named in George Burley's first squad.

Damit hat der schottische Pilgrim-Manager Sturrock mittlerweile 6 Landsleute im Kader.

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VfL Bochum 1848
60 - WSV - Ards - FCS - Wacker
Scotland manager George Burley has revealed that he is weighing up the prospect of calling on Sunderland defender Phil Bardsley.
The 22-year-old right-back was born in Eccles but qualifies for Scotland through his Glasgow-born father.

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VfL Bochum 1848
60 - WSV - Ards - FCS - Wacker
Ferguson fällt gegen Kroatien aus, genau wie McCulloch, Dailly und McGregor.
Mick wird Kapitän :o :cool
Bin mal gespannt wie das Spiel ausgeht.

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Satisfaction is a mere construction - but a beautiful one.

International football - go f*ck yourself.
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