
Marktwertanalyse: Ankündigungen, Fragen und Einzelfälle

Nov 24, 2006 - 2:00 PM hours
Kozlowski 8.000.000 € --> 12.000.000 €
Kaminski 6.000.000 € --> 10.000.000 €

•     •     •

J*b*c P*P*

Christoph Daum: " Die Keimzelle des Fußballs ist das Zweikampfverhalten. Jeder, der das Fußballfeld betritt, hat das Ticket zum Krankenhaus in der Tasche. Ob er es einlöst oder nicht, wissen wir erst nach 90 Minuten. So sieht das aus. "

Besnik Hasi - der letzte Trainer der sich mit einem polnischen Club für die Champions League qualifizierte. :)
Gornik Zabrze

Krzysztof Kubica -> 1.000.000 €
Robert Dadok -> 350.000 €
Dariusz Stalmach -> 250.000 €

Maybe Gryszkiewicz also up to 1.000.000 €?

Pogon Szczecin

Alexander Gorgon -> 350.000 €
Jean Carlos Silva -> 750.000 €
Kacper Kozlowski -> 12.000.000 €
Mateusz Legowski -> 450.000 €
Piotr Parzyszek -> 600.000 €
Kamil Drygas -> 700.000 €

Slask Wroclaw

Michal Szromnik -> 300.000 €
Petr Schwarz -> 800.000 €
Rafal Makowski -> 500.000 €

•     •     •

Per Aspera ad Inferi

Some addition to Rakow: Wdowiak is in great shape the last weeks. Overall he is a very skilled player. Of course he lost 6 months of his career because Probierz was mad at him for signing at Rakow. But regarding his skills he is one of the best Polish wingers in Ekstraklasa. I would raise his value to 600.000 €. Could go even higher at the end of the season if he keeps his good form.

And my small contribution to Warta:

Robert Ivanov -> 600.000 €

By far the best player in a weak team this season.

•     •     •

Per Aspera ad Inferi

Zitat von qwerty2023

Hi, there is soon going to be the ekstraklasa update. I would be glad to hear from you any players which you think should be upgraded or downgraded.Zwinkernd

When will the update be made?
This contribution was last edited by Jackyboy11 on Dec 27, 2021 at 12:12 PM hours
Cytat z Jackyboy11

Cytat z qwerty2023

Hi, there is soon going to be the ekstraklasa update. I would be glad to hear from you any players which you think should be upgraded or downgraded.Zwinkernd

When will the update be made?

31st december
This contribution was last edited by qwerty2023 on Dec 27, 2021 at 4:52 PM hours
And the ekstraklasa has just been updated. The 1liga will be after New Year.
Some planned updates for Polish players in Serie A , Serie B:

Benedyczak 1.5mln ---- 2mln
Piatek 10mln --- 12mln
Dragowski 11mln ---- 9mln
Zurkowski 3.5mln ---- 6.5mln
Zitat von qwerty2023
Some planned updates for Polish players in Serie A , Serie B:

Benedyczak 1.5mln ---- 2mln
Piatek 10mln --- 12mln
Dragowski 11mln ---- 9mln
Zurkowski 3.5mln ---- 6.5mln

And jakub Kiwior?
Cytat z witek
Cytat z qwerty2023

Some planned updates for Polish players in Serie A , Serie B:

Benedyczak 1.5mln ---- 2mln
Piatek 10mln --- 12mln
Dragowski 11mln ---- 9mln
Zurkowski 3.5mln ---- 6.5mln

And jakub Kiwior?

Kiwior 1mln ---- 1.8mln


Dawidowicz 5mln ---- 4.5mln
Zitat von qwerty2023
Cytat z witek
Cytat z qwerty2023

And jakub Kiwior?

Kiwior 1mln ---- 1.8mln


Dawidowicz 5mln ---- 4.5mln

What? kiwior came from a weak league and is now simply a regular in Serie a. One of Spezia's best players, if not the best. In addition, he has just turned 22 and still has a lot of potential. Therefore, he should also be the most valuable player at Spezia. So 6 million minimum, he plays like this until the second half of the season, then up to 10. And to Dawidowicz: he played a very good season until his cruciate ligament rupture, so I would leave the value as it is.
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